Head of School
Marcia Diamond
(207) 374-2187

Admission Inquiries

Faculty Chairs
Tara Nemeth
Scott Springer


Alumni News

Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter

Community Notices

Space permitting, we love to share information, upcoming events, opportunities and services relevant to our community each week in our newsletter, the Tuesday Notice.
Have something you would like included in the Tuesday Notice? Please submit 50 words or less by 8:00 a.m. Monday mornings to tuesdaynotice@nullbayschool.org
Images may be included if they are 1Mb or smaller. If your submission includes a flyer, provide a short introduction, and then we will provide a link to the flyer. We include submissions on a time and space available basis.

Mailing Address
The Bay School
P.O. Box 950
17 Bay School Drive
Blue Hill, Maine 04614

General Questions
School Office (207) 374-2187